The Power of Positive Thinking

The power of positive thinking cannot be underestimated. Yes, a positive thought is really a petty tiny little thing. But now we know to watch out for those tiny things. The smaller the thing is the more powerful – don’t be surprised if that can change the world. The universe is made up of mass, energy, and consciousness. Nature and the universe would not be what it is without the presence of a soul, of a conscious mind.  What the Torah is telling us when it describes creation is that God created the world with his words.  Words have an effect, so be careful what you say. You may not be able to create stuff out of nothing like God can but you certainly can affect things with your words.

For all of history since the eating of the Tree of Knowledge, every evil has a little bit of good and every good has a little bit of evil. That’s what makes it so difficult to walk a straight line of just good and no bad. We’re going to start to see exposure of the negative, ugly, selfish, bad things that have been hiding behind fancy words and good excuses. As a result of COVD-19, the bad in our world is going to be exposed. Good is going to be good, bad is going to be bad and we’re not going to confuse them anymore.

Moshiach is happening – the question is when will it get done. Moshiach is the result of all of our efforts so everything we do, every decision we make, every thought every word we speak is bringing Moshiach. We’ve had time by ourselves and when that happens, the first thing that you gain is that you get to know yourself. Now that we’ve seen ourselves there are things about ourselves that we really don’t like. There are also some things that we’re really happy about which we didn’t notice before. 

When Moshiach comes, I will be what I want to be. I will be what I know I should. When things become less confusing we will see our way clearly and then nothing is going to stop us because we have the right ideas and we have the good will. It’s going to be a little scary to see all the bad come to the surface but it’s a healing process – it’s a healing crisis.

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